Building a Crown Transmission

Building a Crown Transmission

Postby sherwood park rexin » Thu May 10, 2018 10:35 am

Having never done this sort of thing before, I thought I'd check with the "guru's" first. Thanks to Dave Decker of Kamloops, I have a Crown mainshaft, and 2 ring input with washers and needle bearings. I have an excellent 66 Corvair transmission. I'm assuming it's a fairly straightforward swap of gears on mainshaft. Is there a critical measurement for the washers in the input? Anything else I need to be aware of? Thanks guys!

sherwood park rexin
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Re: Building a Crown Transmission

Postby WarWagon » Thu May 17, 2018 9:23 am

This is a great opportunity to install a drain plug in the transmission. Mike Levine helped me with the parts when I rebuilt my transmission. The original Crown mainshaft broke in half and I replaced it with a stock shortened and resplined Saginaw mainshaft. Mr Levine supplied big rollers for the input and advised to not use the Crown thrust bearing/washers and small rollers. The rest of the rebuild is really easy using a quality snap ring plier.
Adam Knoll
Fairmont, W.V.
'65 Corsa 140 turbo DD
'66 Crown V8 Vair 5.3 LS
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Re: Building a Crown Transmission

Postby sherwood park rexin » Tue May 22, 2018 8:52 am

Thanks Adam. I'm not running big power and Tend not to abuse the car.Didn't know bigger rollers were available. Is there a measurement for thickness of the washers? Good info on the drain plug. Will be another week or two before I can get back too it. I'm curious as to the condition of the transaxle thats in the car now, was built around 1979. No real issues with it, but I figure it's time.
sherwood park rexin
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Re: Building a Crown Transmission

Postby WarWagon » Tue May 22, 2018 6:50 pm

You are welcome, I could measure the washers/thrust when I get home but would advise not to use them. Standard big car transmission rollers for the input gear with nothing behind it, just slide it onto the mainshaft.
If the gear oil came out of the transaxle pretty clean then it was built well and will take more running as is.
Upon rebuilding my small block this year, I found evidence of why the thrust bearing/washers are left out on the Crown trans now. Having them in the original setup pushed the crankshaft forward and ate up the thrust area on the rear main bearing, then once it got through that the crank started to self clearance the block. So I'm glad I was told to take the Crown thrust washers/bearing out.
Adam Knoll
Fairmont, W.V.
'65 Corsa 140 turbo DD
'66 Crown V8 Vair 5.3 LS
'66 Buick Riviera GS
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Re: Building a Crown Transmission

Postby sherwood park rexin » Wed May 23, 2018 9:44 am

Wow! That is good info to have, Thanks!
sherwood park rexin
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Re: Building a Crown Transmission

Postby V8Bernie » Tue May 09, 2023 12:50 pm

sherwood park rexin wrote:Wow! That is good info to have, Thanks!

Hi Gord,
Wondering how that build went. I get to Edmonton area occasionally, maybe I can connect with you there. I'm in Burnaby BC.
Bernie Pringle
Burnaby, B.C., Canada
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Re: Building a Crown Transmission

Postby sherwood park rexin » Wed May 10, 2023 8:47 am

Hi Bernie. Moved Down to Kootenay Lake a few years ago. With health issues and so much to see and do here, never got back to it. One of these days lol.

sherwood park rexin
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